The most significant results and environmental benefits of proper bio-waste and sewage sludge management through LIFE In-BRIEF project would be:
- To define a new business model that enables self-financing implementation of a valorisation process transforming waste into fertilisers.
- Demonstration of a prototype for treatment of 10 m3/day of digestate from bio-methanisation assuring its transformation in fertilizer products. (3.000 tons of total treated bio-waste and sewage sludge during the project avoid sending to landfill or incineration)
- Production of the maximum m3 of bio-gas per ton of bioproduct increasing 20% the standard ratio. It is expected to reach a ratio of more than 600 KWth per ton of bio-waste processed and 400 KWth per ton of sewage sludge processed.
- Recovery of more than 215 KWth per ton of bio-waste processed generating more 260 MWh of renewable energy throughout the project’s duration
- Formulation and production of at least four new fertilizer products formulated from two fertilizer lines (agricultural and urban) with at least one product to be sent to the ministry of agriculture for its approval as fertilizer.
- Generation of 200 kg of agricultural fertilizers per ton of bio-waste processed using digestate of bio-methanisation as main raw material which contribute to enhanced resource efficiency. (540 tons of agriculture fertilizers produced during the project)
- Generation of 50 kg of urban fertilizers per ton of bio-waste processed using digestate of bio-methanisation as main raw material which contribute to enhanced resource efficiency. (135 tons of urban fertilizers produced during the project)
- Preventing pollution of water and soil resulting from improper application of 3,000 tons/year of digestate, which could reach to 20.000 t/year in the case the project would be taken to commercial scale.
- Recovery of 500 liter of water per ton of bio-waste processed.
Avoid of 15 kg of CO2 equivalents (in the form of NxO) per ton of bio-waste processed emitted by the decomposition of bio-waste and sewage sludge in land (45 tons of CO2 equivalents of emissions of greenhouse gases during the project).
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